
- 本次比赛采用动态积分,每题初始分 1000 分,经过 67 次解出后到达最低分 200 分,主办方保留修改积分规则的权利。
- 本次比赛每队最多可同时开立四台动态靶机,主办方保留修改此条的权利。
- 本次比赛后,想获得本次比赛积分的队伍请在比赛结束后, 2024年 8月 25日北京时间中午12点前提交本队伍的解题思路到平台上(个人信息-解题思路信息框,届时会出现提交区域,队长或队员上传均可,一个队伍只接受一份,请上传一份完整的 PDF);如无需积分忽略此条即可,不会对您比赛的排名产生影响。
- 解题思路模板下载: https://files.buuoj.cn/files/2c46921cf2d628130b67f3648fe24934/writeup_template.md
- 解题思路一个队伍若多人提交,以平台最后收到的为准。
- 分数会同步传输至 CTFTime,想获取积分的队伍请注意统一队名,谢谢。
2024年8月24日10:00—18:00 (UTC+8)
2024年8月15日10:00—8月24日18:00 (UTC+8)
DASCTF2024 August Back-to-School Season! Freshmen Ride the Waves, Move Forward with Passion

DASCTF2024 August Back-to-School Season! Freshmen Ride the Waves, Move Forward with Passion
- This competition uses dynamic scoring. Each problem starts with 1000 points, decreasing to a minimum of 200 points after 67 solves. The organizers reserve the right to modify the scoring rules.
- Each team can have up to four dynamic targets open simultaneously. The organizers reserve the right to modify this rule.
- After the competition, teams wishing to receive points must submit their write-ups by noon (12:00 PM) Beijing time on August 25, 2024. The submission should be uploaded to the platform (Personal Information - Write-up Information Box, where a submission area will appear). The team leader or any team member can upload it, but only one complete PDF per team will be accepted. If you do not need points, you can ignore this rule; it will not affect your ranking.
- Write-up template download: https://files.buuoj.cn/files/2c46921cf2d628130b67f3648fe24934/writeup_template.md
- If multiple write-ups are submitted by a team, the last one received by the platform will be considered.
- Scores will be synchronized to CTFTime. Teams wishing to receive points should ensure their team name is consistent. Thank you.
【Competition Time】
August 24, 2024, 10:00—18:00 (UTC+8)
【Registration Time】
August 15, 2024, 10:00—August 24, 2024, 18:00 (UTC+8)
【Problem Categories】
Web, MISC, Crypto, Reverse, Pwn
【Registration Method】
Log in to BUU—Enter the Competition Center—Enter the corresponding competition—Enter personal information—Fill in personal information—Create a team TOKEN—Share the team TOKEN with team members
【Competition Mode】
Team Competition (four people per team)
First Prize * 1, Second Prize * 2, Third Prize * 3